Payment Approvals
Borderless can only process contractor payments for approved invoices.
To expedite the approval process, Account Admins can enable invoice auto approval on contracts.
By enabling invoice auto approval, all invoices that only contain Base Pay item(s) will be automatically approved upon submission. However, if an invoice contains line items of another type (i.e. Expense, Commission, Bonus, Other) the invoice will not be automatically approved and will require manual Account Admin approval.
For same-day processing on standard business days, invoices must be approved by 2:00pm UTC.
Ad Hoc Payments
Borderless can issue invoices and process ad hoc payments as requested by Business Users through Borderless Support (
For same-day processing on standard business days, requests must be received by 2:00pm UTC.
Payment Minimums
Borderless cannot process individual payments under $50.00 USD, as transfer costs are proportionally too high for amounts under this threshold.
By only allowing transactions greater than $50.00, we are able to keep costs low and pass the savings on to the contractors.