Let's complete the onboarding of your French employee to the Borderless AI Platform in five easy steps.
You can click the links in the Overview below to navigate to each step.
Overview: Employee Onboarding
Step 1: Profile Set Up
Step 2: Payment Method
Step 3: Identity Verification
Step 4: Social Security Documents
Step 5: Employee Details Form
Step 1: Profile Set Up
Once you receive your Borderless Invitation via email, click the Create Account button to start setting up your Borderless account profile.
For the Address field, ensure you add all your residential address details, including:
- Address Line
- City
- State/Region/Province
- Postal Code
Hint: Remember to always use the same email address to log into your Borderless account!
Watch the video below to learn how to set up your account:
Step 2: Payment Method
Click the Add Payment Method button on your Home page (or navigate to the Payment Methods tab), and enter your bank details to set up a payment method for payroll.
Please note that French employees must use a personal bank account with their name as the account holder.
Watch the video below to learn how to add a payment method:
Step 3: Identity Verification
Click the Start Verification button on your Home page to begin your identity verification.
Identity verification is a mandatory process to ensure your account is compliant.
Please note the verification process for French employees only accepts a carte nationale d'identité (CNI) or a passport.
Watch the video below to learn how to verify your profile:
Step 4: Social Security Documents
Click the link under Step 4 in your Welcome Email (subject line: "Welcome to Borderless!") to upload a copy of the following required documents:
Please note this is a secure one-time link, meaning you can only click it once.
- Both sides of your Social Security Card (carte Vitale)
- Social Security Certificate (attestation de droits/attestation Vitale)
- This document is available on your Ameli profile and can be downloaded easily. For more information, visit www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F10662.
Step 5: Employee Details Form
You will receive another email from Borderless Support (subject line: "[ACTION REQUIRED] France Employee Details Form") with a form for completion. Enter all required details and submit the form.
And that's it – you're all done! Once the Borderless team has finished reviewing your account, you will be sent another email with your employment contract for signature.
If you have any questions throughout this process, please reach out to support@hireborderless.com.